Selected media mentions

Why some work environments breed toxic cultures.
BBC, December 2021
New frontiers beckon for Amazon as Bezos heads up and away.
The Telegraph, July 2021
Bored Panda, April 2021
Making digital MBA learning add up.
Financial Times, February 2021
Covid: Cambridge ou la révolution de l'enseignement en ligne
Les Echos, November 2020
How Brexit prepared supermarkets for our coronavirus stockpiling
WIRED, March 2020
Leadership needs more diversity and less supremacy
Forbes, February 2020
MBA Professors to Look out for in 2020
Business Because, February 2020
Only in the tech industry can you be written off as a dinosaur at the age of 29
The Telegraph, December 2019
Filthy colleagues are here to stay, in even the best offices
Financial Times, November 2019
Un ambassadeur sacrifié sur l’autel d’une guerre de pouvoir
Le Devoir, July 2019
The lessons of Notre Dame: Don’t rely on billionaires
The Guardian, July 2019
It’s good to be bad if you are a bank
Bloomberg, November 2018
Naughty investment banks win more IPO business
The Economist, November 2018
The real reasons why mentors change your life
The Financial Times, October 2018
Les groupes français auraient intérêt à dire stop à l’homophobie
Le Monde, May 2017.
L’Article 50 engendre une double incertitude
Forbes (fr), March 2017
O efeito da 'espiral do silêncio' nas eleições americanas
Folha de S Paolo (Brazilian newspaper), November 2016
After Trump’s victory, the world is left to wonder: What happened to America?
Washington Post, November 2016
BBC Radio London - Drivetime, November 2016
Business as usual for Trump partners in Dubai, Istanbul
AlJazeera, December 2015
Working from home: will this mean the end of the office?
ITV News, July 2020
Selected articles and op-eds

Business boom as more people work from home
ITV News, April 2021
To combat conspiracy theories, teach critical values - and community thinking
The Conversation. November 2020
Degrowth will accelerate as consumers change: Companies should adapt now.
The Economic Times, December 2020
How To Convince People To Take The Covid Vaccine? A Lesson In Leadership Communication
Forbes, December 2020
There Is Another Epidemic In The Workplace–The Domino Effect Of Burn-Outs
Forbes, December 2020
Coronavirus : « Qui aurait cru que les discussions autour de la machine à café manqueraient tant ? »
Le Monde, April 2020
Coronavirus: five ways to be a better manager when working from home
The Conversation, March 2020
Trade War: How firms on both sides of the rift can react
with Ben Laker, Sky News, September 2019
Busting three myths of diversity in the workplace.
with Ben Laker, Washington Post, July 2019
« Voyager en avion, c’est aujourd’hui prendre le risque d’être labellisé comme “pollueur” »
with Paul Chiambaretto, Le Monde, June 2019
Three lessons for leadership from the Brexit mess.
with Ben Laker, The Conversation UK, April 2019
« L’incertitude due au Brexit est la seule constante du paysage économique britannique depuis 2016 »
Le Monde, Avril 2019
Malaise dans l’Agriculture Francaise.
with Bertrand Valiorgue, La Vie des Idees, Mars 2019
Research: Bad Press Brings Big Banks More Business
Barron’s, February 2019
« Gilets jaunes » : « Le recours à des hackathons citoyens constitue une piste d’action locale »
with Emilie Bargues & Bertrand Valiorgue, Le Monde, December 2018
"Gilets jaunes" : Macron pris au piège d'un mouvement social délibérément désorganisé
with Bertrand Valiorgue, La Tribune + The Conversation, December 2018
Voters just want Brexit done, so Remainers should be wary of trying to stop it in another vote
The Telegraph, December 2018
Why management academics matter
with Joel Bothello, The Conversation, June 2018
How companies must approach sexual harassment in 2018
HR Zone, March 2018
Le rôle du président du Medef est de protéger les entreprises des excès de la finance mondialisée
Le Monde, Co-signed op-ed, February 2018
EU citizens in Britain are already being stigmatised – and it’s likely to get worse
LSE Politics Blog, January 2018
Brexit : le retour à la réalité va être brutal
Le Cercle / Les Echos, March 2017
Pious progressives have created a spiral of silence which could yet conceal a Donald Trump victory
The Telegraph. November 2016
Brexit: La peur en derniere ligne droite
L’Humanité. Juin 2016
Pourquoi les banquiers ont intérêt à enfreindre les normes sociales
The Conversation (France) - September 2015
Unpicking the link between laissez-faire economics and corporate greenwashing
The Guardian, Sustainable Business - May 2014
- Hate the peer review? Einstein did too
with André Spicer, The Conversation - June 2014